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P H O T O G R A P H Y 


A PHOTO series, nothing more, nor nothing less. Simply a collection of my own works; displaying my various interests. As with anything, beauty is found in everything if you look hard enough.
d u b a i • (a r c h i t e c t u r e)
Fall 2016 


In the last bit of the Dubai, multi-part photo series, I share some final moments of architectural moments that caught my eye while adventuring through this unique city. And as always, I found the beauty in the ordinary. 

d u b a i  • (f i n a l • m o m e n t s)
Fall 2016 


Concluding the  Dubai, multi-part photo series, I end with just a few more gems of the laughs and joy shared while on this trip amongst myself and my friends. IT was a trip of a lifetime, worth everything single moment. And I was beyond honored to have the blessed opportunity to experience a city unlike no other in the world. 

Copyright © 2024 | elease ariana samms

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