Elease Samms
Oct 5, 20212 min read
:: r e E m e r g e n c e
Twenty Twenty-One. One year post-the beginning of 2020’s COVID-19 pandemic and here we are: still amid a pandemic. Though the ebb and...
elease ariana samms
May 25, 20203 min read
:: O P P O U R T U N I T I E S
There has been so much uproar since the onset of the pandemic. There have been many changes brought forth on not only a worldwide scale,...
elease ariana samms
May 20, 20202 min read
:: (new) N O R M A L
2020. A leap year. One, many of us thought, would be the beginnings of the most epic experience we all deemed, paying homage to Justin’s...
elease ariana samms
Oct 10, 20193 min read
:: W E E K E N D(aze)
Bar Refaeli once said, and it still rings true, “Family, friends, a good laugh and beautiful weather are the best cures.” Having had the...
elease ariana samms
Oct 5, 20191 min read
:: XXXII. Grams
As I’ve littered about many posts of mine time and time again, Bob Marley, hit the nail on the head when he spoke into the universe that,...