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Elease Samms

:: r e E m e r g e n c e

Updated: Jun 6, 2023

Twenty Twenty-One.

One year post-the beginning of 2020’s COVID-19 pandemic and here we are: still amid a pandemic.

Though the ebb and flow vary from month to month on the severity of the pandemic as well as from country to country, we have managed to adapt, though not always willingly to the “new” normal. We have adapted better health practices (to some degree of course), we have picked up new and old tricks, and we have found pleasure in the simple things because some of the grander things haven’t been as easily accessible – or as desired. We have shone light on on-going racial tensions, we have shone light on the broken joints in our legal system when it comes to the protection of women and our LGBT+ communities, and numerous other POC’s communities. We have ushered in the first woman of color Vice President. We have seen the rise and fall of nations across the globe. We have, for lack of a better phrase, LIVED through the worst of times and the best of times.

It has been nothing short of emotionally and physically draining waking up each day to news that, at times, feels too heavy to carry. This isn’t including the personal trails and tribulations many of us face in silence or alone. However, despite it all, we still, like the great poem goes: RISE.

With each given day, should wake to see it, we RISE. We RISE above the naysayers. We RISE above the hate. We RISE above the obstacles that impede our smooth travels. We RISE above it all.

Our resilience is enough to be in awe of. Life, as hard as it gets, is and never will be devoid of endless reasons to RISE.

It is always beautiful, even when it is plagued by negativity.

With that, I continue to wish you find solace and ease and beauty in each day you are blessed to witness.

Life was never meant to only be endured. Life was meant to be cherished. So, cherish it all. The big. The small. And the in-between.

It all MATTERS as much as your very existence MATTERS.

Blessings on blessings.


:: Post Rationalizing(s)

“It is what it is till it ain’t.”

― Mac Miller ―


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