:: Beach Daze
Short and sweetly, my weekend, was lovely. Much needed and well deserved after much emotional stress. And there is something simple and pure about water's power to heal, cure and relax even the most quickened of minds ― burdened by the daily turmoils of life. Like a physical massage, the beach was a mental massage ― a mini break from the rigor of this thing called life. An easement. An escape from what was weighing me down as well as a re-connection. A re-connection with all that is good in this world. I couldn't have been more happy than in that moment. My peace and happiness was only topped with the company of one of my dearest and best of friends: the cherry on top of an already delicious treat. And that is the memory I'll keep with me until the next break from adulting is in much need.
:: Post Rationalizing(s)
“Looking at beauty in the world, is the first step of purifying the mind.” ― Amit Ray ―