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:: XII. Grams

(life on) O V E R l o a d . . . (don't we always make a show of love . . . )

Like a gift from above, like a handwritten letter, like an unexpected yet, somehow, anticipated package, John Legend's Darkness and Light album graced our longing ears with pure magic. Magic, full of life, love, and happiness. Magic, full of the power of a BLACK king, a BLACK man, blessed with a gift crafted by God Himself.


Pure magic.

Long overdue, John Legend's album arrived at the start of the final month of twenty sixteen. Like the sweetest goodbye and warmest hello, his album does not disappoint. He, as he's always done, reminds us of the true promise of love, the power of peace and happiness in one's life, as well as the necessity for understanding. As a new father, Legend also gives us a dose of his love and concerns for his little princess in growth, Luna. A full circle of emotions, Darkness and Light brings us through a journey of the beautiful and the dark. The highest high and even some of the lowest low. A picturesque representation of life itself as we know it.

Truly, again, pure magic.

A work of deep, and meaningful art.

Soul healing.

One truly cannot complain.

So, on that note, I'll simply leave this gem, from John Legend's album below. Do, as always, enjoy. Repeat. Share. And do yourself the favor of diving deep into this wonderfully crafted body of work.

Again, listen and repeat.

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